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Selecting the Execute/Reset menu item causes the 6809 to pick up the vector from the ROM at $FFFE and enter the PSYMON monitor in ROM. No register information is retained by the 6809's RESET operation, so if RESET is asserted in the midst of a program, there is generally no way to recover. The single exception to this is if RESET is asserted when the FLEX prompt (+++) is showing, typing W will "warmstart" FLEX without any harm done, assuming you have not modified anything that FLEX depends on using PSYMON's low-level tools such as memory examine and change.

If after a RESET, W fails to properly restart FLEX, try this: Execute RESET again, and type…

G CD00<return>

…at the monitor prompt (-->). This coldstarts FLEX, re-initializing various internal FLEX states such as the output character routines. If that doesn't work, you'll need to restart the emulator to get FLEX going again. At this point, I would not advise FLUSHing the VDisks, because if FLEX is unstable, you don't know what went on with them, either.

A good rule is not to RESET the CPU when any disk activity is occurring.

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